Web Hosting Services:
Would you like to get away from the endless phone calls and incredible time crunch that accompanies every season and every sport? Your ticket to a high powered, cost effective web presence is right here, right now. Major League Softball proudly announces the latest addition to its extensive array of services for recreation programmers. Like no other service, any sports program can offer state of the art internet features instantly via the MLS Web Hosting Service.
Any sized league can be linked up to its own domain where the entire world can access information from a dedicated site that is as dynamic as it simple to use. Each domain has a sport-specific Home Page where general program information can be presented using graphics, photographs and links to maps and driving directions. Program administrators can select or submit their Home Page content and the key to the service is that MLS updates each site on demand.
Once on the Home Page, users can quickly access seasonal registration information as well as team acceptance policies and league rules. The Web Hosting Service includes cutting edge features such as on-line team registration, fee payments and updated game schedules, game scores and league standings. Administrators also benefit from powerful managerial tools such as targeted email notifications and automated financial record keeping.
The Web Hosting Service also allows recreation staff to structure their involvement to meet the demands on their time. The MLS Web Hosting Service comes with a full-time webmaster to handle content updating and the day to day management of each client's site. Imagine, updated program information on the internet without extra paperwork or complicated computer operations!
Major League Softball, Inc. |